Ninco digital: when you press the start button on the powerbase Pc Lap counter now generate the command start or restart depending on the segment number.
Update of the Phidget library: Pc Lap Counter go back to the previous Phidget library version 2.1.8 of the 05/11/2013 (because with library version 2.1.9 some Phidget interface was not
For people who use Pc Lap Counter version 5.43 or 5.44 with Phidget interface and have installed the library 2.1.9: before the installation of Pc Lap
Counter 5.45 you need to uninstall version 2.1.9 and download and install the Phidget library version 2.1.8, otherwise PCLC will have strange reaction !!!
01/11/2020: 5.45c: Pc Lap Counter is now also compatible with AMB 9200 decoder.
23/02/2020: version 5.44:
After an rotation the program now reset the checkered flag image of all lanes. oXigen: change the calculation of the fuel consumption because sometime a slow lap consumed more than a full speed lap.
Warning: with version 5.44 and oXigen you will have to change the fuel parameter “A total of xxxx throttle
position equal 1” because the total throttle level per lap calculate by Pc Lap Counter 5.44 is much bigger than with previous versions.
22/04/2019: version 5.43:
Race end speed is now also applied at race segment end ( oXigen and Scalextric C7042).
Arduino can be now a detector type in it's own right, this is useful to discharge the Pc Lap Counter main screen from the lap and pit lane detection and have better display performance
(more information in Pc Lap Counter protocol description) .
Update of the Phidget library: Pc Lap Counter now use the latest Phidget library 2.1 version 2.1.9 of the 22/06/2018
For people who already use Pc Lap Counter with Phidget interface and have installed the Phidget.msi: before the installation of Pc Lap Counter 5.43
you need to download and install the new Phidget library version 2.1.9, otherwise PCLC will have strange reaction !!!
15/12/2019: 5.43c: oXigen: Fix these bugs (bugs with the automatic trackcall , yellow flag and Arduino end race command [BT07])
15/07/2018: version 5.42:
Race end speed is now also applied to ghost car ( oXigen and Scalextric C7042)
Pc Lap Counter is now also compatible with the Bluetooth version of RfLapCounter. oXigen: should better work with dongle 3.10 and more than 5 cars on the track (decrease the amount of data sent to the dongle).
12/08/2016: 5.39e: oXigen and all others hardware which send lap time: if the O2 lap time is under the minimum lap time of the track then the program will look at the PCLC lap time
and if the PCLC lap time is not under the minimum lap time then PCLC will accept the lap and take the PCLC lap time and display a message.
12/08/2016: 5.39e: Carrera Digital 30352: Fix bug: sometime when a race ends the control unit restart the race itself.
Carrera Digital 30352: when you start the race with the CU , Pc lap Counter play sound as well on the countdown.
Fix bug: oXigen and Scalextric C7042: At the end of a heat and race , Pc Lap Counter now reset the pit stop status to avoid speed reducing in the next heat or race.
Fix bug in car and driver setting: sometimes new car or driver was not inserted into the “database”.
11/02/2016: 5.37c: Improve the connection with SmartSensor SS mode
21/02/2016: 5.37d: Fix bug : stop & go : after a track call it was possible to refuel without reenter in the pit lane
10/10/2015: version 5.36c: oXigen interface, scorpius controller, Smartsensor and arduino now work also on windows 10 and you can use com port 1 to 255. Oxigen: max speed of pacer is now limited to 126 (before it was 255 but the O2 system only accept value less to 126).
Arduino: Pc Lap Counter can now receive laps from transponder system (add the [TR] command in the protocol description).
Adruino: Change the format of the command [SF] so it can receive also the laptime or the timestamp of the lap.
Add a lap after pitstop: the lap time after the pit stop is now always calculated by PCLC (to avoid bad lower lap time).
5.35c: oXigen: PCLC send now his own race timer to the dongle (to have a better standing of drivers having same number of laps).
5.35d: Fix bug: oXigen: there was sometime missing laps with the option “increase the lap counter at the pit lane exit” ticked.
13/03/2015: version 5.34b:
DS Racing DS300, DS200, DS045 and Scalextric C8143 : it use now a new serial communication component , the new component allow you to select COM1 to COM255 and also solves the error
“Non String type in ot_get_string_value,file ottools.cpp, line 1682” that occured with some old USB/Serial adaptor and some old driver version.
DS Racing DS300,DS200, DS045: add 57600 in the baud list (DS lap counter working with 56000 baud may not work anymore with new driver version on x64 computer, if it happen then in PCLC
select 57600 in the baud list).
DS racing DS300,DS200, DS045: No more round of the DS lap time from 4 to 3 decimal (now the PCLC lap time is exactly the same as the DS lap counter, except for the 1st lap of course)
Driver setting: add a button to copy the settings of a driver to other drivers ( Copy the PB-Pro, C7042 and oXigen settings)
5.33c: Fix bug: team race: best lap time was not the best lap time of the team but the best lap of the last driver of the team
5.33d: Scorpius Wireless controller: Pc Lap Counter 5.33d is now compatible with Scorpius Wireless controller firmware 9.7
5.33d: Fix bug: Arduino: messages [PW000] and [PW001] was not send when you send the commands [BT08], [BT05] and [BT06]
20/07/2014: version 5.32:
Best time part: display a little led near the driver who have the focus.
Best time part: display the number of pit stop.
All HTML files are now saved into the folder C:\Pc Lap Counter\LiveTiming
Fix bug: some shortcut keys was not working, complete review of the shortcut keys here
Fix bug: Oxigen: PCLC not responding when you tried to set a race without a connection to the dongle.
Fix bug: Oxigen and Scalextric C7042: when you load a race the O2 and C7042 options was not loaded (impact of the fuel on max ower , pit lane max speed,
etc...was not loaded)
5.31c: oXigen: now Pc Lap Counter use the race timer send by the dongle to evaluate the order in which two or more cars run over the finish line (need dongle firmware 2.10).
5.31c: fix a bug in qualifying and practice session: sometime the drivers swap position when they had the same best lap time
5.31c: fix a bug in clearing penalties and pit lane speeding with Scalextric C7042 and Scalextric PB-Pro.
5.31d: Load race: even a race is finished the restart button is now enabled
01/03/2014: version 5.30c:
Pc lap Counter is now compatible with oXigen dongle firmware 2.10 (in the O2 interface of PCLC just tick “it’s a dongle firmware 2.10 or more”)
5.30c: oXigen: sometime a car run at maximum speed without the intervention of the driver, this is due to a communication problem
between the dongle and PCLC. To avoid this problem and while waiting a solution from or From Pc Lap Counter the Ghost car feature with O2 is temporarily disabled.
19/01/2014: version 5.29:
Pc Lap Counter now use Phidget library version 2.1.8
For people who already use Pc Lap Counter with Phidget interface and have installed the Phidget.msi: before the installation of Pc Lap Counter
5.29 you need to download and install the new Phidget library version 2.1.8, otherwise PCLC will have strange reaction !!!.
DS Racing DS300: now you can choice different baud rate for box 2, 3 and 4
Fix bug: DS racing DS200, DS300, DS045: sometimes lap time was not well decoded.
Fix bug: zoom display : fix bug in the display of the standings and drivers with no laps.
Fix bug in lane rotation: lane rotation was not working when the option “display distance in Column Gap” was ticked and one driver didn’t have any laps
Scalextric Digital C7042: add option “Driver race end max speed”: when a driver end his race Pc Lap Counter will automatically reduce his car speed to this value, a value
of zero will stop his car.
First place light now lights up according to the segment position.
5.19d: DS-0045: add option to use or not the DS Stop & Go Box
5.19i: oXigen: update for firmware version 2 and fix bug in the data decoding causing sometime bad lap time.
5.19k: view heat data during race: add a hand next to the current heat.
5.19k: Ninco Digital:if the ND lap time is under the minimum lap time of the track then will look at the PCLC lap time and if the PCLC lap time is not under the minimum lap time then PCLC
will accept the lap and take the PCLC lap time and display a message.
5.19k: oXigen: fix bug of the first lap after first segment: with false start ON the first lap of the drivers staying in the race was counted as zero (now it is counted as 1)
5.19k: zoom: display setting is now saved by view (each view can have different display setting).
Fix bug: Scalextric digital C7030 PB-Pro: after a trackcall sometime the ghost cars don’t restart
5.15e: Scalextric Digital C7042: to end a track call you can now also just press again the BRAKE+LC of the hand controller (or BRAKE + LC + zero throttle)
5.15e: Scalextric Digital C7042: more drivers may request a track call at the same time.
5.15e: Fix Bug: option “drivers must finish their lap” : if a driver failed his stop & go penalty (black flag) it was not possible to end the
5.13c: fix this bug (concern heat editor and car changes).
5.13d: fix bug : race setting window: when you select a championship in the dropdown list then the segments generated by the heat editor disappeared !
5.13e: all interfaces (scalextric digital, scx digital, DS racing, etc...): disable the possibility to close the interfaces window via the “x” button but you can still close via
5.13f: fix bug: Trackcall during a Pit stop : if you selected “pause the race” for the trackcall then after the race restart the pit exit
was rejected by PCLC.
Display special picture to signify that the car cross the S/F line just after power off (deceleration).
Ninco Digital: improve of the pit stop detection.
Scorpius: update of the interface to work with the new dongle.
Fix bug: At segment start Pc Lap Counter rejected sometimes the first lap.
Fix bug: some interfaces like the SCX digital was not working on Czech computer.
Fix bug: user was not enable to connect 2 Phidget RFID with 4 other Phidget interface kit.
Fix bug: Pit-Pro: sometime Pc Lap Counter could not take control of the Pit-Pro
Pc Lap Counter now use Phidget driver version 2.1.7.
For people who already use Pc Lap Counter with Phidget interface and have installed the Phidget.msi:
before the installation of Pc Lap Counter 5.06 you need to download and install the new Phidget.msi version 2.1.7, otherwise
PCLC will have strange reaction !!!.
22/05/2010: version 5.05d:
Update window: you can now add/subtract fractions of laps (you can for example add 1.25 laps to a driver).
Database: the database structure have been modified to allow fractions of laps, version 5.05 will install a new empty database named “pclc_505.mdb” (the old database
“pclc.mdb” will stay on your harddisk but not used anymore).
Database: some columns were multiplied by 1000 or 100, now these columns are not multiplied anymore (so now it’s more easy to read the data in your favorite tool)
Heat editor: method “Drivers race on all lanes”: you can now specify that you want to use one lane at a time (only available when “Drag/Rally mode is ticked), here is example.
Team race: you can now use a Phidget RFID to change drivers of a team during the race, more explanation soon...
Scalextric Digital: PCLC now auto detect the COM port to use.
Update of the Norwegian translations.
Version 5.04c:
Rally/Drag mode: you can now specify the number of laps
Phidget interface: improve of the error handling during the status updates of the digital output.
Improve of the detection of a already running interface.
SCX Digital: the start button of the MCU now generate START - RESTART event in Pc Lap Counter (before it was START - STOP)
You can use Phidget RFID to detect pit stop also for RC racing (in the car setting the transponder ID and RFID ID is now two separate fields).
Zoom: the GO signal which show the “refuel end” is now displayed without a delay
Fix bug: Pit-pro: if the driver kept the LC button pressed then PCLC did not detect the Pit In/Out signal.
Fix bug: SCX Digital, Scalextric Digital, Ninco Digital: when a driver get a Stop & Go penalty the Stop & Go picture disappeared when his fuel level reached the low fuel alert value
Fix bug: SCX Digital: Since version 4.53 the non pit unit was not working anymore
Heat editor: new method for lane rotation : "drivers race on all lanes and against all drivers".
The stop light lights up as soon the race ended and this even the drivers need to finish their lap (in previous version the stop light lights up only after the last driver cross the s/f
23/02/2009: version 4.54: - Carrera Digital 132: Pc Lap Counter now detect ghost and pacer car (Ghost car trigger lane 7, pacer car trigger lane 8) -
SCX Digital : Fix bug: sometime PCLC was displaying bad driver position with lap limited races. - Heat Editor: Fix bug: Rotation sequence as 137 was generating segments with empty driver
01/02/2009: version 4.53: - Pc Lap Counter work with the Carrera Digital 132 - PB Pro: when a driver fails
to make his stop & go penalty then PCLC will set his car power to 50% - PB Pro: click on the Pc Lap Counter power On/Off button will cut the power for all drivers. - Scalextric Digital: when using a second
and third powerbase to detect Pit IN and Pit Out PCLC will start the refueling when he detect zero throttle - Scalextic Digital: when using a second and third powerbase to detect Pit IN and Pit OUT you can now specify
the pit lane speed limit , when a driver run to fast into the pit lane then he will get a Stop & Go penalty. - SCX Digital Seb interface mode 2: Fix bug: sometime Pc Lap Counter rejected good laps. - PB Pro
1.8: Fix bug: when starting a race PCLC sometime count a bad lap for all drivers
04/01/2009: version 4.52: - New heat editor, it’s possible now to specify rotation sequence, car
settings, fuel settings and group drivers - No more Series race: series race has been replaced by the “group drivers” feature of the new heat editor - Complete review of the “cancel segment” process (by the way... now it’s work also for lap limited race) - Drivers settings: Add favorite car, when you will select a driver in the race settings then Pc Lap Counter will put his favorite car in the car column. - Drivers
Classement report: add average column - Championship: no need to set “points by seg” for individual races. - Fix bug: lap time of the first lap is sometime wrong when starting a race after detector. -
Fix bug: Average in the “best time on” part was not filled
20/11/2008: version 4.51: - Racecontrol systems: possibility to detect pitstop by using S/F sensor - Heat editor
: it’s possible now to arrange the generated heats randomly - Stat/race detail: possibility to display or not the teams - SCX Digital - SEB interface mode 2: improve management of bad messages -
Fix bug: Race with serie: Statictis board was displaying only the classement of the last segment ! - Fix bug: Segment best lap was cleared after a change of driver ! - Fix Bug: statistics board, classement with lanes
detail was sometime wrong.
21/09/2008: version 4.50d: - For people who already use Pc Lap Counter with Phidget interface and have installed the
Phidget.msi: before the installation of Pc Lap Counter 4.50 you need to download and install the new Phidget.msi of 15/07/2008, otherwise PCLC will have strange
reaction !!!. - Pc Lap Counter work also with the new phidget interface kit 0/0/8. - Lap time speech: Pc Lap Counter can now announce lap time through the speakers
- Improve statistics board - Race with series, "Change serie at each end of segment" is now by default unticked - Only one button to start and stop a race. -
Only one button to pause and restart a race. - Race with heat editor and race with series: drivers total laps and fuel level is now restored when drivers comes back in the race (before version 4.50 it was starting at
zero ) - Fix Bug: statistic board: sometime the statistic board was displaying the race classement not correctly Version 4.50c: - Fix bug: sometime the sound for “last lap” was not played -
Fix bug: options screen, clicking on the “setup” button to setup the selected detector did not display the setup window when detector type was “Scalextric Sport Digital”. - PB-Pro: when you enable
Throttle map , Pc Lap Counter will fill throttle map data with default values 0,2,6,10,14,19,24,27,30,33,38,46,54,60,63,63 Version 4.50d: - Fix bug: Light for “Out Of fuel” lights up
with a 1 sec delay, now it’s immediate
04/06/2008: version 4.48d: - New: Add reaction time during start procedure (only when race start before
detector): - Add Column "Reaction time" in the main screen and also in the best time part - Add Column "Reaction time" in the "driver classement"
report - New: Drag race mode (new option in the race setting screen), for that kind of race PCLC set the following options for you : - Race of 1 laps (you need 2 detector by lane, one
for the start and another for the end) - Classement is base on lap time and not a total laps. - Start race before detector with false start detection. - All drivers must make
1 laps before starting next heat. - New: Add a button in upper right of the main screen to set power on/off without disturbing the race. - SCX mode2 with pit terminal : when using PCLC fuel management the fuel level
level is now updated more frequently. - PB-PRO: Add a option to give or not a Stop & Go penalty when a driver make a trackcall. - PB-PRO: Add a option to stop the refueling of all cars during a
trackcall. - PB PRO: Driver who ask track call is highlighted. - PB-PRO,SCX mode1 and mode2: no more comm port auto detection (because auto detection actualy not working good on Vista) - Trackcall with Phidget or
LPT1: add new action "End race". - DS030: Laptime precision is now 0.001 sec - Pacer driver: PCLC ignore now pit stop and stop & go penalty for "Pacer" driver - Messagebox : PCLC do a reset
of message box at segment start only - SCX mode1 and mode2, SSD: PCLC interface have been compiled in binary mode (like before) - Spanish translation update. - Fix Bug: Sometime PCLC give a error when saving race
data into the database (occur when a driver didn't make any laps) - Fix Bug: Race with team: S.Lap was set to zero when driver change Version 4.48c: - PCLC Countdown: no more random delay before lights
goes OFF for a drag race - Fix Bug : Drag race mode: only first driver first driver could finish his race. Version 4.48d: - K8000: now PCLC use the new K8D.DLL from velleman - Fix Bug: set a race for
championship: when you change the GP, PCLC not update the track definition in the race setting
04/04/2008: - SCX Digital:New requirement specification for new Seb interface mode2, more information here
25/03/2008 Version 4.47g: - All interfaces: Add a button to display available COM ports of your computer. - SCX Digital:Pressing the START button on the SCX-Digital will automatically start the race in Pc Lap Counter - SCX Digital : new “SCX to PC interface” developed by SEB which offer already more functionnalites in Pc Lap Counter - Pc Lap Counter work with Scalextric Digital Powerbase Pro (PB-Pro) - Pc Lap Counter now check the driver and car picture size (picture > 56K will
be not accepted) Version 4.47c: - SCX-Digital mode2: PCLC now auto detect the COM port. - SCX Digital mode2: fix bug : sometime PCLC display empty fuel level (due to undocumented message from
SCX-Dital) Version 4.47d: - SCX Digital mode2: workaround to fix a bug in the SCX-D firmware (sometime SCX-D forget to send lap time) Version 4.47e: - SCX Digital mode1: PCLC now auto detect the
COM port. - SCX Digital mode1 and 2 : fix bug: when you use the SCX start button PCLC not always reset the race - Scalextric Digital : PCLC now auto detect the COM port Version 4.47g: - Fix Bug: PCLC does not end segments for a time limited race (occurs since version 4.46 and only when the option “at all segment end , all the drivers....” was unticked)
30/01/2008 Version 4.46e: - Starting lights : Add possibility to set ON all countdown lights during race pause/stop. - Pc Lap Counter work now with the Trackmate interface for windows - Pc Lap Counter work now with the RACECONTROL hardware. - Improve race with
"driver must finish their lap": * when the drivers have to finish their lap Pc lap Counter display now the command part of the main screen in orange. * No more power OFF / power ON at segment
end for a time limited race (in previous version power was OFF and directly ON to let drivers finish their lap) * Restart and pause button is no more accessible during end lap procedure - New option for
zoom display : display segment classement: * when ticked the classement displayed in the zoom screen will be base on drivers segment position. * when unticked the classement displayed in the
zoom screen will be base on driver general position. - Stop & Go : CTRL + Car/lane N° : Apply OR cancel a stop & go penalty - Pacer mode : no more fuel usage calculation for a driver with “pacer”
option ticked . - driver Setting : Add possibility to copy all or a single sound to all drivers. - Statistics board : Add possibility to see the classement of each segment - Norvegian translation update. - SCX
Digital: Refueling is now possible during stop&go penalty. - Fix bug: False start with no PIT IN system: sometime the program did not cut the power if a driver make a false start - Fix bug: driver import : if a
driver already exists in PCLC then his ID was set to zero. - Fix bug: start race before detector without heat editor : after the first segment the segment lap count start now at 0 (before it was starting at 1
!) - Fix bug: lap limited race: when a driver must complete his lap to finish the segment and he is out of fuel it’s was impossible to finish the segment. - Fix Bug: End segment sound was not played for a lap
limited race.
03/11/2007 Version 4.45e: - Fix bug: Sometimes a segment of a race ended too early (when you used the button 10 .. 0 and that the detection of a
false start was active to each segment). - Fix Bug: if a driver did not make any laps then the automatic rotation was not made (only with automatic rotation options) - Fix bug : Calculation errors on
how the system determines a winner in a lap limited race with multiple segments and option “All driver must make x laps” ticked
29/09/2007 Version 4.44c: - Fix bug : SCX Digital : bad pit stop generation when only 2 controllers was connected and 2 cars cross the S/F
line in the same time. - Fix bug : SCX Digital : sometime Pit stop was not detected when you use also a safety car
12/09/2007 Version 4.44: - Stop & Go management - Scalextric Digital : False start detection is now base on
throttle - SCX Digital : False start detection is now base on throttle - SCX Digital : Pit OUT detection is now base on throttle (no more automatic PIT OUT after 2.5 sec) - SCX Digital : no more “Pit Lane
Drive through” options (no need because of the datastream decoding improving) - SCX Digital : new options : “Non zero throttle begin at:” default 0
“Generate Pitout when throttle value exceed:” default 5 - Fix bug: the option “Add a lap after a pitstop” was working only when race was with fuel management. - Fix bug : Applying
rotation before the race start was not working.
18/08/2007 Version 4.43: - Pc Lap Counter is now compatible with ViperBox - New general option for fuel management:
“Driver race is ended when the car is out of fuel”, setting to OFF mean driver race is not finished but lap will not be counted until refueling - Zoom : Add columns in the “position” box (Laptime,
best lap, Gap, P.Lap, Nb Pit and team name) - Zoom : Add the possibility to automaticaly save the classement into a txt file (so now you have the possibility to publish the classement in real-time on internet) - SCX
interface : possibility to connect two track on the same PC. - Power control and starting lights : power control and lights options are now separate, so now you can use for exemple a Phidget Interface for power control
and a dontronics box for starting lights - Fix Bug : SCX interface : when only one controller was connected Pc Lap Counter considered each lap as a pit stop - Fix Bug : It was possible to refuel during race
18/05/2007 Version 4.41c: - Pitstop detection : now it’s possible to detect pit stop by using detector on parallel port or phidget interface with only one detector for each car/lane (pit stop can be initiated by stopping a car over the lap counting sensors during 2 seconds) - Fix bug : SCX Interface,
sometime fuel meter display wrong value - Fix bug : SCX Interface, sometime missed laps due to bad SCX messages (version 4.41c)
11/04/2007 Version 4.40: - Heat editor: more heat generation options (Drivers race against all drivers) -
Heat editor: add the possibility to specify the segment time and also the inter-segment time. - SSD interface : add the possibility to send fuel information in real time, so now you can have a out of fuel in a middle
of a lap - Fix Bug: if you enter to fast in the pit area SCX interface did not count the lap
25/03/2007 Version 4.39: - SCX interface : detection of bad message - Pc Lap Counter available in Nederlands -
Race setting : new option to reset the fuel after each segment - Update window : add the possibility to refuel a car out of fuel
20/01/2007: Version 4.37: - Fix bug : zoom , modification on field ‘nb pitstop’ was not saved. - Pc Lap
Counter available in Swedish. - German translation update. - Norwegian translation update.
08/12/2006: Version 4.36: - Pc Lap Counter is compatible with USB Phidget Interface Kit,
you can use it for cars detection, pitstop detection, remote control , lane power and starting lights, more information here - Pc Lap Counter save automaticaly the race after each
rotation when you use manual rotation - German translation update. - Pc Lap Counter now available in Norwegian. - Possibility to specify a filter to reject bad lap detection
04/11/2006: Version 4.35: - Fuel Management for analogic track - New race
mode : Practice mode (same as qualify but lap time will not be saved in the “database”) - Remote Control : new actions : Power ON - OFF - External lights : now you can have 5 lights for countdown - Zoom
: now 9 views available - DS300 : Better management of bad messages sended by DS300 - German translation update - Fix Bug : use comma in car, driver, team manager give some problem after you accept the
screen - Fix Bug : Zoom : lap time is now reset when starting new segment
30/09/2006: Version 4.34: - LPT1 Interface : remote control : you can now assign
a Pc Lap Counter action to execute when a specify pin is activated (more information here) - New program : plc_remote.exe : this program send a action to Pc Lap Counter (like start, pause, restart) - New option for
false start : “also during restart”, set to ON will also detect false start during restart procedure - Fix bug : False start : now the false start penalty begin at the end of the start procedure (detection is
always at the begin of the start procedure). - Fix Bug : At the end of the restart procedure Pc Lap Counter has put power ON even if a driver had a false start penalty.
07/09/2006: Version 4.33e: - Scalextric Digital: possibility to use a second powerbase as a PIT IN detector and a third powerbase as a PIT OUT detector (more information here) - Race Setting : possibility to specify a general ‘beep’ sound. - When a driver finish his race a ‘race end
flag’ picture will be displayed. - XLOT : Update of the XLOT interface (new protocol). - Danish translation update. - When Pc Lap Counter detect a false start it display a ‘stop’ picture. -
Fix Bug : no more refueling when Pc Lap Counter detect a false start. - Fix Bug : Parallel port interface Cpu usage is now normal. - Fix Bug : Start a race with 10..0 button ignore the number you type in ‘start
after’ - Fix Bug : Race detail reports was not working since version 4.32. - Fix Bug :
13/08/2006: Version 4.32: - Scalextric Digital : Fuel calibration : new option in the race race setting to use a session (race or qualify) to calibrate fuel consumption to obtain a specify quantity of liter per lap for all the cars. - Nb Pitstop : new column showing the number of pitstop (also available in the zoom screen). - Starting lights (on monitor) : no more green lights, start lights is now like F1 style. - Zoom : new option to update or not the drivers name just after a segment. - Fix bug : start race : cpu usage is now normal - Fix Bug : ssd, zero throttle was considired as ‘Lane Change’ + Brake - Fix Bug : ssd, pitstop was generate even for a race without fuel management. - Fix Bug : cpu usage of K8000 interface is now normal.
13/07/2006: Version 4.31: - Real starting lights on monitor,
green lights displayed randomly between 1 and 5 seconds - Zoom (large display) show also starting lights. - Start procedure chanegd : race start when green lights displayed. - Fix Bug : False start detection not
working when starting the race via the ‘10..0’ buton. - Fix Bug : wrong convertion Km/h to Mp/h (now 1 km/h is equal to 0.6213171192 Mp/h)
09/07/2006: Version 4.30 - Fix bug : Inter-segment countdown not working when loading a race saved with
inter-segment option. - Fix bug : Position of the column ‘P.on.track since’ was not saved. - Fix bug : Skin delivered with Pc Lap Counter did not include fuel columns - Fix bug: Version 4.30c : loading a race : segment time not well loaded when segment time was less then 1 minute
26/06/2006: Version 4.29 - Scalextric Digital : new way to call pitstop , summary here - Scalextric Digital : now you can specify the begin value for NON zero throttle (useful for bad hand controllers) - Scalextric Digital:
Pc Lap Counter can now manage 2 powerbase (so 12 cars , 2 track of 6 cars) - Scalextric Digital fix bug: - During a lap , pressing all the time LC button do not consume fuel, with
version 4.29 you did. - Press LANE CHANGE or BRAKE during a lap and in the same time give some throttle do not consume fuel, with version 4.29
you did
05/06/2006: Version 4.28 - Pc Lap Counter is compatible with the Xlot Digital systems, more info here - Add save of
the classement in HTML format during the automatic save process at each end of segment. - Fix Bug : Lap time precision was not 0.001 when using a webcam.
14/05/2006: Version 4.27 - Fuel management : You can set the consumption by car (overwrite the general consumption setting). - Team setting:
possibility to set min/max race time against number of drivers in the team Race time in report and zoom will be displayed in red when the race time not reach the max/min - Pc lap Counter available now in
German. - Fix bug : lap time after a pitstop with fuel management and using the option ‘add a lap after a pitstop’ was not correct. - Fix bug: reload a race with fuel management did not load the
fuel quantity setting.
28/04/2006: Version 4.26.2 - fix bug : wrong lap time when using a webcam: the precision was not of 0.001 sec.
18/04/2006: Version 4.26.1 - Fuel Management - Use a webcam as pit stop detector -
Add Car and track in the ‘Race detail by lap’ report - Fix bug : -
Zoom window display immediately information comming from Pc Lap Counter by using direct connection with Tcp Protocol, more information here. - Pitstop detection :
with Scalextric digital you can ask a pitstop by pressing the “Lane Change” or “Brake” button during 3 seconds, more information here - In the options screen
add the possibility to display the lap time with 3, 2 or 1 decimal.
05/03/2006: Version 4.25 - Graphic design of the main screen have been
improved - Display setting : Now you have the possibility to save and load the display setting from a file, if you want to send display setting to other people just send your .PLD and PL2 files - Now there is a
default display for 6 lanes - Change of all default display with new color - More fonts availabble in the display setting - Color selection : you can choose now your own color - Skin directory : new
directory with some skin for Pc Lap Counter, preview here. - Use a Webcam as a detector for Pc Lap Counter
19/02/2006: Version 4.24 - Sequence editor : add the possibility to print the sequence, so now you can print a
race schedule. - Record lap time by lane : now it display only used lanes. - LPT Interface : Add a new tab page ‘Pin -> Lane’ to map pin and lane, so you can say that pin 11 is lane 1 in Pc
Lap Counter - Forum of Pc Lap Counter at
07/01/2006: Version 4.23: - Track management : add possibility to cancel all the best lap time. - Cancel best lap time best performance. -
Save a race : the program detect if a file is in ‘read only’ mode or not. - New reports : - Race detail by laps - Position evolution
26/11/2005: Version 4.22: - Starting lights : add a light, now you have light for 4,3,2,1 go and stop. - Fix bug : ‘start interface now’
in the option screen do not start the scalextric digital interface - Race Setting : now you can set the start countdown to zero (zero means start without countdown). - SSD : powerbase last car bug : now Pc Lap
Counter take care of that bug. - Save/load race: sometime team go to a wrong lane after loading a race. - Fix bug : driver setting : change the driver name cleared all the sound - Update of Danish
translation. - Print a report do not close the report anymore.
11/11/2005: Version 4.21: - Scalextric Digital interface : Listen to start , race will start automaticaly when user press the start button on the
powerbase - Best lap time column : this column display now the best lap of the driver in the segment, his race best lap is always displayed in the 'best time' part of Pc lap Counter
(like his record lap) - New options: - Scale : allows to calculate speed according to a scale (default scale is 1) - Display distance in gap : Possibility to display or not the
gap in distance between previous and next driver - Zoom : if the option 'display km/h' is activated the zoom screen will also display the speed - Zoom : you can now display 6 lanes
25/09/2005: Version 4.18: - Race Setting : Race with series : drivers and teams changes disabled. - Option : back of the parameter
‘when power go off , wait n sec before stop detection’. - Race Setting : Race with series, after accepting the screen the program will reload the serie data and changes in serie data will be tabe in account.
- Fix bug : Sometime the track power don’t work with a race with serie with the option ‘at the race end, all the drivers must finish their lap’ activated.
09/09/2005: Version 4.17: - Fix Bug : Race with series : classement not correct when drivers are in the same lap. - Fix Bug : general
position correct but the position into the segment is not correct when drivers are in the same lap. - Zoom : Add ‘refresh’ button in the zoom setting screen to force the large display to refresh.
24/07/2005: Version 4.16: - Fix Bug : Sometime transfert license is disabled.
28/04/2005: Version 4.15: - Rotation : Detection of missing rotation when no automatic rotation option is set.
14/04/2005: Version 4.14.3: - Fix Bug : Space bar during race (shortcut for pause) sometime call also previous clicked button action.
09/04/2005: Version 4.14.2: -
Little modification on 4.14 for zoom : add the possibility to change the height for each line in classement part of the zoom window.
25/02/2005: Version 4.12: - False start detection: Race started with power ON and a random countdown is done between 2 and 7 seconds, if a car
passe the detector during this time Pc Lap Counter detect a false start and will stop the driver during 10 seconds. The stop time can be set with the ‘Pitstop lenght’ option in the race setting screen. The
false start detection can be activated with the new ‘false start detection’ option in the options screen of Pc lap Counter - New shorcut : ‘Space bar’ pause of the race - Intersegment :
automatic countdown when intersegment reach the end.
13/02/2005 : Version 4.11: - Simplication of the track power and starting lights setups. - Pc Lap Counter available in Danish.
04/02/2005 : Version 4.10: - Race Setting : add the posibility to set the inter segment time, when inter segment time is delay the program will
automaticaly restart the race and put track power ON according to the new option ‘After inter segment put track power ON’ (new option in the option screen). - Time left : At the end of each segment, the inter
segment countdown will be displayed in BLACK in place of the segment countdown. - Update Driver/Lap during race : add the possibility to enter directly the ID of entering driver (searching the new driver in the dropdown
list box was heavy.... ) - Pc Lap Counter available in Brazilian. - Translator integrated in Pc Lap counter : now it’s more easy to translate Pc Lap Counter in other language. -
Possibility to change the translation of existing language. - Possibility to change the program language during the race.
30/12/2004 : Version 4.01: - RMS : manage of the START button : push the RMS start button will activate in Pc Lap Counter go, pause or
restart according to the race state (with countdown for Go et restart) - New shortcut : Key ‘Pause/Break’ : Pause of the race Key ‘End’ : Stop the race Key
‘Insert’ ou ‘Delete’ : Update of laps, change drivers... Key ‘Enter’ : Go, pause or restart according to the race state (with countdown). - Race Management :Display
the part ‘Race management’ in RED when race paused.
18/12/2004 : Version 4.00: - Pc Lap Counter manages 32 lanes. - Interface DS-030 and DS-300 : manage 4 serial port (total 32
lanes). - Interface K8000 : Manage input 1 to 32 and output 1 to 64 (total 32 lanes + 32 output) - Add the possibility to import drivers, teams, cars and series. - New help button near each import
button to display the import file layout. - In part 'best time' display of the drivers best lap time during the race. - Segment compute: Add reset button. - Bug fix : Qualification
Race: Classification not correct in the report 'Race Summary' and 'drivers classement'. - Bug Fix : Race with series: During a change of serie it was necessary to
wait the first lap so that PC Lap Counter erases the laps of the preceding serie. - Bug Fix : Race with series: If a track is not used and the option 'At race end, the drivers must finish they
lap' is activated it was necessary to manually point the track to finish the serie - Bug Fix : Championship with a race with series: The points were set only for the drivers of
the last serie. If several drivers in the same lap the points were not set correctly. - Bug Fix : Championship with a qualification race:The points were not set according to the best time.
27/11/2004 Version 3.78: - Driver lap detail : add the possibility to auto refresh laps display or not. - Update driver best lap time : automaticaly udpate of the owner of
the record lap time. - Fix bug: Sometime race time for a driver is not correct. - Fix bug DS-030 : Interface problem after resetting the ds-030 counter. - Pc Lap Counter success at 24H of the Brussels Scalex Club 13-14/11/2004.
27/10/2004: Version 3.77: - Lap detail : show lap in different color (red for alert and green for best lap). - Italian : Translation correction - Update of Pc Lap Counter system
23/10/2004: Version 3.76: - Pc Lap Counter is available in ITALIAN. - Review display of elapsed and remainder time. - Add the possibility to view directly all reports in internet
explorer (or other browser) via the button .
28/09/2004: Version 3.75: - Pc Lap Counter is available now in SPANISH.
03/09/2004: Version 3.74: - Change GUI of LPT1 interface. - Setup of interfaces LPT1,DS-30, DS-200,DS-300 and RMS are more easy to understand.
14/08/2004: Version 3.73: - Review of save and load process: race is auto saved at each end of segment, better performance for load process.
- Championship : possibility to delete a championship. - Zoom : Time left and position parts are now resizable by the user.
27/06/2004: Version 3.72 B2: - Race Setting : Delete of the ‘Pause race during relay’ option, Pc Lap Counter will always make a pause after each segment.
- Reset best lap time : ask user to confirm before resetting best lap time. - Race and segment time left also displayed in the bottom of the race control window (with large font).
19/06/2004: Version 3.72: - Fix bug : championship points is not displayed. - Championship classement : Add the possibility to reset all grand prix points.
- Race Setting : Add the possibility to give a name to the race - Add the possibility to cancel a segment during the race (add new button in the ‘update’ window).
- Segment number is saved in the driver history laps.
11/06/2004: Version 3.71 Build 2: - Race Setting : Add the possibility to specify a sound for the end of the race, this sound will be played when the driver have
no finish sound or if the driver is a not in first or second position.
29/05/2004: Version 3.71: - Car setting : add field ID : new field to hold the car number (like driver ID and Team ID).
- Options : add ‘Receive Car ID + [ENTER]’ : you can enter the car ID to simulate laps (this option is only enabled when you use the keyboard)..
- Zoom : drivers and cars pictures sometime invisible when moving pictures. - Project PLC IR DETECTOR : Stop because the construction take to much time.
20/05/2004: Version 3.70: - Display of drivers and cars pictures in Pc Lap Counter. - Zoom : new display with possibility to move the box and also the pictures. - Database : data’s are save in separate files
09/05/2004: Version 3.64: - Championship : new field ‘Point by Seg’ : Points will be calculate after each segment.
- Fix bug : Driver position inside a segment (S.pos) is sometime false.
26/04/2004: Version 3.63: - Sequence editor : possibility to export/import sequence from text file (Tab separtor or CSV). - Update for DS-030 lap counter.
- Fix bug : Sometime wrong position displayed when drivers is in the same lap. - Fix bug : Pause the race make wrong average lap time. - Project PLUG AND PLAY INFRARED DETECTOR : First pictures of PLC IR DETECTOR
click here...
13/04/2004: Version 3.62: - Sequence editor, more detail... - Best lap time by lane, more detail...
- New driver sound event : record lane and driver record lane. - New option for serie race : Change serie at each end of segment or Not.
- fix bug : serie race : pause in the last serie segment ask drivers to end their laps. - fix bug : update lap during race disturb classement display when driver are in the same lap - Update for DS-030 lap counter.
- English traduction update