Pc Lap Counter work with the Ninco Digital powerbase 1.08:


versión en español

Since version 5.07 Pc Lap Counter include a interface to read data coming from the Ninco digital powerbase 1.08.
The powerbase 1.08 is not really a new powerbase, it’s just a powerbase with a update of the firmware which send now laps information through the PS2 connector (previous powerbase was sending only cars positions...).

How to know if your powerbase is a 1.08 one...it’s difficult to know:
Since January 2010 the  new Digital kits and tracks of Ninco are being delivered with Powerbase 1.08 but shops can have old stocks and since 1.05 the Powerbase is not longer displaying the version , therefore the only way to know if your powerbase is at version 1.08 is to make a test with the tools ND Tester which will test the compatibility of your powerbase but of course to make the test you need to buy the PS2/USB cable before (see below).

To connect your Ninco Digital powerbase 1.08 to the computer you need a special cable, you can buy a assembled PS2/USB cable by sending a email to Rich.G at richg@girling.net  or you can buy the cable at Slot Car-Union.
For your information: cable working with DataRace2 or MAARDS work with Pc Lap Counter 5.07.


Ninco digital track with Powerbase 1.08


PS2/USB cable of Rich.G


Include Fuel Management

Basically with the powerbase 1.08 you don’t need to modify your powerbase to use Pc Lap Counter as the powerbase 1.08 send laps, lap time and fuel level information but at this moment the powerbase 1.08 not send any information on Pit Stop, to send Pit Stop information to Pc Lap Counter you need to connect a Ninco Digital  Multi Lane sensor (Ref: NI40206) to the computer by following the Multi Lane connection schema
Also for a 4 lanes track it’s possible to connect a Ninco Digital Multi Lane sensor to the computer to send S/F information for lane 3,4

How configure Pc Lap Counter for the Ninco Digital powerbase 1.08:

  • In the options window choose the detector ‘Ninco Digital Powerbase 108’.
  • Click on the Setup button and change the serial port if necessary
  • After you only need to set drivers on good lanes when you set a race (lane 1 correspond at car 1, lane 2 correspond at car 2....).

When you tick the option “Process the powerbase buttons” then Pc Lap Counter will process the powerbase buttons like this:

  • START on the powerbase start the race in PCLC with countdown , if you don't want the countdown just set
    the race option "Start Countdown" to 0.
  • PAUSE on the powerbase pause the race in PCLC.
  • RESUME on the powerbase  resume the race in PCLC.

Additional COM port:


Here you can specify the COM port where you have connected your Ninco digital Multi Lane Sensor to detect Pit Stop (or your BS interface v1.1 pit port)  and you can also specify the COM port where you have connected your Multi Lane Sensor to detect cars on lane 3,4 on a 4 lanes track

Fuel management with Ninco Digital, you have two possibilities:

  • In the race setting set “Fuel management” to OFF :
    If you setup the interface to get the fuel level from the powerbase then Pc Lap Counter will display fuel tank information comming from the powerbase and will alert you when the tank fuel reach the low level ,  when the fuel tank is empty Pc Lap Counter will also alert you (please look at your Ninco digital manual for more information about fuel management).
  • In the race setting set “Fuel management” to ON:
     in that case Pc Lap Counter will ignore fuel tank information comming from the powerbase and will  use the  analogic fuel management of Pc Lap Counter  (base on lap time)

See Also: