Pc Lap Counter work with the Telemetry Box from Slot.it

When you plug the Telemetry box to the computer Pc Lap Counter can use it as a S/F line detector, get the lap time and also get the throttle level of your SCP controller, for more information on the Telemetry box please visit www.slot.it.
To allow software like Pc Lap Counter to read the data from the Telemetry Box by using a virtual COM port you need to install special driver from Slot.it, actually the special driver is not yet officially released by slot.it so at this moment Pc Lap Counter for Telemetry box will not work.


What Pc Lap Counter can do with the telemetry box:

  • Detect car crossing the S/F line ( up to 6 cars).
  • Get the lap time from the telemetry box.
  • When the Telemetry box is plugged both into the PC and to the SCP controller Pc Lap Counter can:
    • Get the throttle level and hand brake status and therefore you can use the digital fuel management and Stop & Go feature of Pc Lap counter (even you have a analogue track !)
    • Detect false start: if a driver push the throttle before the start of the race then he will get a Stop & Go penalty
    • When the driver push the hand brake button during 2 seconds Pc Lap Counter can generate a Pit Stop, to end the Pit Stop driver just have to give some throttle.

    How to setup Pc Lap counter for the Telemetry box:

    • In the options screen choose “Slot.it Telemetry box” as detector type and click on the setup button
    • In the “Slot.it Telemetry box interface of Pc Lap Counter change the COM port (never close the interface window otherwise Pc Lap Counter will not receive the data from the Telemetry Box).
    • After you only need to start a new race and put drivers on good lanes.

    Option 1 and 2 work only when the Telemetry box is plugged both into the PC and to the SCP controller

    1. When driver push the HAND BRAKE button during 2 seconds and zero throttle detected then Pc Lap Counter will generate a Pit-IN signal and when the driver give some throttle it will generate a Pit-OUT signal
    2. Ticking “Show throttle data” will open the SCP-1 controller information window:

    Fuel management with Telemetry box, you have two possibilities:

    • Use the digital fuel management which is base on the throttle level by ticking the option “Use digital fuel management” and ticking the option 1 in the Telemetry box interface to generate Pit Stop signal (this will work only when the Telemetry box is plugged both into the PC and to the SCP controller):
    • Use the analogue fuel management which is base on lap time by unticking the option “Use digital fuel management” and use special hardware to detect Pit stop (see section hardware)

    See Also:

  • Fuel management for analogue track
  • Fuel management for digital track
  • Stop & Go management
  • Starting lights
  • Lights up other light
  • Power control
  • Track call by using Phidget interface, Parallel port or webcam
  • Slot.it web site