Pc Lap Counter work with the DS interface DS-0045:


If your computer don’t have a serial port you can use a USB/RS232 adapter.

Since version 5.19  Pc Lap Counter include a interface which take the control of the Ds interface DS-0045.
With Pc Lap Counter your Ds interface will have more functionality  like sound, rotation, team, gap, lap history, large display,... and more (more than winslot...).



For power control you can use a Phidget interface but just for your information: the Ds-0045 can now receive command from the computer like "start race" (DS-300 and DS-200 can’t receive command) ,it mean that Pc Lap Counter can indirectly control a DS Stop & Go box and therefore if you connect your stop & go box to the DS-0045 Pc Lap Counter will be able to control the track power without adding other power control hardware:



How to configure Pc Lap Counter for the DS interface DS-0045:

  • Launch Pc Lap Counter normally.
  • In the options screen of Pc Lap Counter choose “DS-0045 DS interface” as detector and click on the “setup...” button
  • Change the serial port if necessary
  • After you only need to set drivers on lanes  when you set a race.

See Also:



Option “use the DS Stop and Go box: activate this option if you have a DS Stop & Box DS-0061 or DS-0021