Use parallel port for track call:

Warning: Pc Lap Counter only support parallel port on windows XP, Pc Lap Counter only support onboard parallel port,it not support PCI parallel port, USB converter, etc...
Since version 4.38 Pc Lap Counter can use the parallel port to send command to Pc Lap Counter, to do that you need to specify the input pin and the command to send to Pc Lap Counter
Input pin can be activated by a simple switch , here is example using pin 10 and 12 to “pause” and “restart” the race

Setup Pc Lap Counter for  parallel port “track call”:

  • In the options screen specify that you will use the parallel port for track call and click on the “setup” button like here:
  • After clicking on the “setup” button, the LPT interface of Pc Lap Counter start , specify the input pin that will be used for track call, here we will use the input pin 10 and 12
  • In the tab page “track call” specify the command to send for pin 10 and 12 and start the LPT interface, like this:
  • Now just minimize the LPT interface and accept the options screen by clicking the button “OK”

Here is another exemple using pin 16 and 17 as input pin for remote control